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Call Biotech Industries is Israel’s largest life sciences holding company. Publicly traded (TSE:CLAL), it invests in life sciences companies ranging from seed to maturity, both public and private.

What did we do?
We were very excited to create their investor deck, followed by their website. We used the most current programming technologies to help visitors easily navigate through the website and experience the broad investment portfolio. See it for yourself.

Pitch Deck


A leading life sciences investment company

Click on the image to scroll the full page


We needed a cutting-edge website. One that positions CBI as the leading life sciences holding company in Israel. CadenSee created a clean and user-friendly website that is extremely easy to manage. It was completely turn-key. saving us a lot of time – from site structure to content writing to design. They used the latest web technologies so that the site is fast to load on any device. Their services are highly recommended.

Ofer Goldberg

Vice President

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